Our Reading Garden

Junior Infant "Ground Force" Project

 How will our garden grow?


Junior Infants have adopted the Reading Garden as our special project. The walls of the courtyard had been beautifully decorated by Sharon and her team of helpers. Junior Infants took on the challenge of planting the flower bed.

Complete with miniature watering cans and enthusiasm we spent a "Fun Day Friday" planting Spring bulbs such as crocus, daffodil and narcissus were planted first. Many thanks to Jack's Mom who kindly dontated some bulbs. We returned to the garden last week to add some Autumn/Winter colour. Many thanks to teacher's Mom who donated some of the plants. We are looking forward to the official opening of the garden. We are sure that the entire school will enjoy reading stories in glorious sunshine next year.

Next time you are on our corridor, stop and admire our garden.